Carotid Artery Ultrasound

For those with any of the following or a family history of: mini-stroke (TIA) or stroke, pulsing neck lump, dizziness or fainting, sudden loss of vision or eye disturbances, neck bruit (sound detected with a stethoscope), fibromuscular dysplasia. Those requiring work up prior to intervention or to determine the presence of significant arterial abnormalities identified by other imaging modalities. 

What does this scan look for?

This examination uses ultrasound to look at the arteries in the neck to determine if there are any narrowings, blockages, or abnormalities.

Carotid and Vertebral Artery Disease

Carotid and vertebral artery disease is a major cause of stroke, and can be responsible for about 20% of all strokes.

Ultrasound can be used to safely look inside your carotid and vertebral arteries and let you know if you are at risk for this condition. This allows you to take control of your artery health early and prevent the devastating consequences of stroke.

Why come see us?

No Referral Required

Same Day Results*

Free & Plentiful Parking

NZ Sonographer
of the Year

Locally Owned
& Operated

We accept Southern Cross Health Insurance

What should I expect during this appointment?

This is a safe ultrasound scan to assess the blood flow in the arteries in your neck.


Scan time:

30 minutes

Please wear a low necked top (such as a T-shirt). If you have mobility issues please bring a support person to help.


You will recline on a bed with a pillow. Warm ultrasound gel and an ultrasound camera will be placed on your neck. Pictures of your blood vessels and their flow will be taken by a specialist sonographer and then interpreted. The specialist sonographer will give you a verbal result at the end of the ultrasound and we aim to provide formal reports within the same day.

How it works:

Does this scan match your symptoms?

Still unsure what scan you need?